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Cast and Cure™

Inline and offline application

Stunning graphics in any print environment

Casting and curing equipment

One of the most exciting aspects of Cast and Cure is that for many applications NO NEW EQUIPMENT IS REQUIRED!

There are many existing cold foil equipment systems that can apply Cast and Cure.

Breit Technologies also offers specialized inline and offline equipment for many print environments. These solutions cover a wide range of printing processes including but not exclusively narrow web flexographic, sheet-fed and digital.

Cast and Cure narrow web equipment

Use existing cold foil processing equipment!

Narrow web casting

One of the most exciting aspects of Cast and Cure is that for many applications NO NEW EQUIPMENT IS REQUIRED!

We recommend systems from a wide range of cold foil equipment manufacturers and can provide processing guidance for most narrow web systems.

Effective application in challenging environments

Wide web casting

Decorating in wide web applications has traditionally been difficult due to inherent dimensional instability of many film materials. Our equipment allows for effective operation, despite these limitations.

Our recommended wide web systems decorate these materials with all of the same benefits available in narrow web and sheet fed applications.

Cast and Cure wide web application
Cast and Cure offline sheet fed equipment

Dedicated offline embellishment

Sheet-fed casting

Our recently redesigned Offline Cast and Cure finishing unit is
designed with embelishment in mind. This new unit is easily retrofitted
into a wide range of machines. With its small footprint this unit can be
installed inline with screen printing units, offline coating equipment and
digital/inkjet UV varnish application presses.

Cast and Cure LS-34 Hearts film
Cast and Cure LS-32 Stars film
Cast and cure Hello Water label

The perfect effect for any product

Design Ideas

Cast and Cure creates a wide range of embellishment options including more than 30 different stock holographic effects, matte and sheens for the most elegant visual experiences. Cast and Cure can be applied in both spot and flood coat applications. Best of all, Cast and Cure can be applied over graphics without obscuring the text or image.